Gavin G. Cornilliac's Prayer Page


Getting to Know God


Do you want to know God better ? Do you want Gods' peace , protection and provision ?


1. Recognize and admit that you NEED GODS' HELP


You may be at the point where you realize that some things can’t be changed through self-effort. We all need God to make things better in our lives. Whether you need physical or emotional healing , finances or peace of mind , God has it all. Are you ready to ask Him to make a difference in your life ?


2. Believe in JESUS

“ For there is only one God and only one mediator between God and us , the man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all ” 1 Timothy 2:5.


God sent Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the world. Romans 10: 9-10 , so to put it very simply , we have already been saved , healed and delivered from all sins known to man when Jesus gave his life for us on the cross at calvary , so all we need to do is believe this truth and then we shall be saved by his awesome grace through our faith in him. Eph 2:8 Our faith acts as our shield Eph 6:16 which blocks all of the evil wicked tricks and deceptions from the devil but we must speak to our situation by quoting all the scriptures we know over our circumstances and then the wall that is blocking us will fall and then we will rise to new heights. Every problem is simply a stepping stone , so all we need to do is use those problems or obstacles in our way as a learning experience that will make us stronger and we do so by defeating the devil with Gods' word pertaining to our situation and we do so by speaking it directly to our circumstances or the obstacles in our path , which then gives God the power to do what his word says because you spoke it in sincere belief and never doubted what he has promised.


3. Say this PRAYER


This simple prayer , when prayed in sincerity , will bring you into a personal relationship with God.

Heavenly Father , i acknowledge that i need Your help , i am not able to change my life or circumstances through my own efforts. I know that i have made some wrong decisions in my life and i turn away from those ways of thinking and acting. I believe you have provided a way for me to receive your blessings and help in my life and that way is by believing in Jesus. Right now , i believe and confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior , i ask Jesus to come into my heart and give me a new life and i thank you for saving me and i ask for your grace + mercy in my life.  I ask you this in Jesus’ name.....AMEN !!!


Prayer is an intimate conversation with the Father.
Simply put...prayer is talking with God. Prayer is communication with the Supreme Being who has promised to show us things to come. John 16:13. Prayer is a privilege that releases the promises of God to become a reality in the life of the one praying and in the lives of all who you are praying for and the best or highest form of prayer is to pray for others because when others get blessed as a result of your prayers , God will see to it that you are blessed even many times more than that because you actually took time out of your day to not only pray for yourself but the fact that you called someone else's name in prayer and asked God to bless them or heal them etc..then he will return those same blessings on you as well and even greater , so always remember when you are praying that if you sincerely want God to shower his blessings upon you , then just begin to call some names in prayer and ask God to bless them or heal them and do it with a genuine heart and not just a quick murmor of words because that means nothing at all really , so make a list of who you would like to pray for and pray for a different person each day until you actually run out of names and then simply sit back and watch God go to work not only in the peoples lives who you are praying for but in your life especially. Ofcourse they will be blessed from your prayers but God will especially bless you just because you prayed for one or more of his children and that is what its all about , thats where the true power lies in prayer and to make it even more powerful is when you join together with others to pray in unity to multiply the power of your prayers to bring the desired results into reality because then it shall be done by our Father who is in Heaven - Matthew 18:19
I would like to also personally share with you an even more effective way to get blessed but ofcourse you don't do it just to get blessed but because you truly want to help from a loving , loyal , sincere heart and that is when you give to others to help them , not because they asked you but you should want to help whoever it is even if they never ask you at all. " When you give to others it is given back to you " - Luke 6:38 and the more you give , more will be given back to you as it so rightly says in 2 Cor 9:6-9 - "But this I say, He that soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly but he that soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully and every person according as they purposeth in their hearts , so let them give;  not grudgingly in a stingy way because that will defeat the whole purpose and you will fail your test which means that you will be robbed of your blessings by the devil when you are greedy and think only of yourself , which quite simply is the worst form of human life and you will be rejected by God the same way you reject whoever it may be that you could have helped but didnt and it is as simple as that in a nutshell really , so all this powerful knowledge is the main key to the secrets of life , the main key that will open all doors for you when you are merciful to others and give what you can to help them at all times whenever you can ok. God loves a cheerful giver and he is able to make all grace abound toward you and you will always have everything you need , you will never be without." So just simply offer your help to whoever you would like to help , whether its one person , two people or a whole household or as many as you wish to make it even better for you. Here's how to get blessed....." Look around and make a list of all the people you want to help and you must have a very strong loving desire to help these people and not just do it for doing it sake because you're trying to get blessed. That won't work because God will see your heart and then it will be all in vain so remember that a sincere feeling of mercy for who you set out to help is the main key here ok. Furnish these people in the best way you can , whether its food , clothes , toiletries , furniture , appliances or a mixture of all if you can , just help the best you can and that is how its done but just try to remember that you are not just doing it to get blessed but because you truly want to help whoever it may be. Most people think that by just going to church on Sunday and putting a few bucks in the net when the ushers come is the best they can do and they think thats the world they are giving but God just laughs at people like that because they only store up treasures here on earth but not in heaven , so whats the use , its better you seek to be greatly blessed by the Father above than just being seen by others when you put a couple dollars into the net at church because really and truly , that isn't worth a thing and that is my personal words of wisdom to you. When you provide for others from a merciful , genuine , honest heart , then God without doubt will pour out his most abundant blessings upon you and the more you give is the more he will bless you over and over again without end , it will come back to you many times over in multiplied form and at the same time ofcourse , you get to experience the ultimate joy of seeing all those who you helped living comfortably without any lack of anything and that will bring more glory to God more than anything else you do and then you will be able to rest comfortably and fully assured of your ultimate destination without question."

The Bible gives instruction to pray , how to pray and why we should pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says - “Rejoice always and pray without ceasing , in everything give thanks , for this is the will of God for you which reminds us to always be in an attitude of prayer. Whatever we’re doing and wherever we are , there should be no time when we are void of the assurance of the presence of God with us and in us.

When you pray , it is important to pray what God says about your specific situation. “ The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword ”Hebrews 4:12. The spoken Word of God will produce power and life because that is the very nature of God.

The Bible tells us in 1 John 5:14-15 that if God hears us , then he will answer us and that he hears us when we pray according to His will. The way to pray according to his will is to find a scripture in the Bible for your situation and pray that verse to God. In this way , you can be assured that God hears you and shall answer your prayers according to His purpose and plan.


Scriptural Prayer Produces Results


Gods' word is the believer's contact with him , in Isaiah 43:26 he said, “ Put me in remembrance of my word.” Knowing what he says about your circumstances will enable you to pray with confidence. Praying in agreement with Gods' word , which is his will for us , is simply reminding him of his promises to us. He knows what he has promised and he will at all times fulfill his word. It is imperative that you know his will and mix your faith with his word always. Without faith it is impossible to please him Hebrews 11:6.


One of the most effectual methods of communication with God is praying Scriptural prayers , which simply put is Gods' promises written specifically as personal prayer affirmations or confirmations for us to say aloud to him when we are praying and as you study the bible , the Holy Spirit reveals creative prayers to us by simply putting a mixture of scriptures together thereby making it into a prayer. Write them down as Gods' personal message to you and then simply personally quote them to him by " going boldly to his throne of Grace with thanksgiving , so we shall obtain his mercy and grace in our times of need." Hebrews 4:16  throughout our entire journey in life and that's basically how its done.


Prayer changes things but more importantly prayer changes you and then you change things. " Gods' word will not return to him void - it shall accomplish that which he sent it to do." Isaiah 55:11. Praying scriptural prayers will drive away doubt and unbelief. Stand before your Father-God humbly presenting your written scriptural prayer and expect to see a manifestation of his glory. The words on the page will be transferred to the tablets of your heart and become a vital part of who you are. His word is your personal prayer manual and he is watching over it to perform it Jeremiah 1:12. If you abide in Jesus and his words abide in you , then you can ask what you desire and it shall be done for you John 15:7. As one poet wrote - " He may not come when you want him to but he always comes on time." Your prayers will avail much bringing results that far exceed what you ever asked, thought or dreamed and it will bring you peace that will surpass human understanding - Ephesians 3:20


Praying Scriptural Prayers will help keep your focus on God and his ability , it will build your faith and position you to know him as you’ve never known him before. It is easier said than done but we must praise God during the hard times to give glory to him because that is direct evidence of our faith and belief in him , so taking this step of faith will create a force that stops and stills the enemy without fail each and every time. Praise him regardless of your situation because he is worthy to be praised as of what he has done , is doing and will always do for us. During tough times we forget that we should offer praise always because praising him in the face of trouble is what makes him give us the victory as he sees our strong faith in action which then glorifies him as he sees that we believe that he will do exactly as he has promised without doubting his word and then he starts to work on our behalf to give us the desired results because we put ourselves in line to be blessed.....AMEN !!!!!


Healing scriptures and how to correctly apply them to your prayers


First of all , no matter what illness you may have , there is a cure. There is no earthly cure for certain diseases but in the spiritual world there is no such thing as no cure because if you believe that , well then quite simply that confirms that you don't believe in God your creator. He created the world and every living thing in it , so there is nothing he can't cure and simply put , Jesus is the cure. " God sent his son on earth to take on all our sufferings and to bear all of our sickness + diseases." - Matthew 8:17 and he did exactly that when he died for us on the cross at calvary over 2 thousand years ago , so its already done , we are already healed , we were healed all the way back since then and now all we have to do is believe this truth with an honest sincere heart and then confess it by speaking his promises over our problems and our illnesses and it is as easy as that but it won't work if you are an unbeliever filled with doubt , as that will simply nullify and bring all your prayers to naught. We need to be strong believers with strong faith and we must speak his word forth and not just think it and this is what has had the world brainwashed ever since the beginning. Not very many people actually   " SAY " their prayers , they " THINK " their prayers in the literal sense by just kneeling down or however they're saying their prayers , lying down in bed etc...and they just close their eyes without saying anything so there is only silence and thought taking place but yet still you hear them say that they     " SAID " their prayers and this is what we need to correct or otherwise we are all doomed whether we like it or not. " SPEAKING " our prayers is what we call "SAYING" our prayers and the sooner mankind gets to know that the better for us all. Also you need to be careful of what church you attend because there are a lot of false prophets out there in the world no matter where you go and the only way to distinguish the genuine ones from the pretenders in disguise , is to simply just listen to their preaching and what they say but if you don't know Gods' word properly , you will be simply tricked by their clever false teachings as they are only interested in what you put into the net during the offering. Secondly , you don't need to go to church to pray , you can pray anywhere and anytime you wish but the importance of church is only for the fellowship to worship God in unity - Matthew 18:19 because that's where the power lies , in the gathering of believers coming together to pray and praise God with sincere genuine thanksgiving for what he has done and is doing for us during the journey of our lives and after all , we won't be here and we won't have what we have and eat the food we eat and breathe the air we breathe if it wasen't for God our Heavenly Father , our Creator and our Saviour.


This is how you should pray when you or a loved one is sick.....Write down and better yet " memorize " as many healing scriptures as you can and literally " SPEAK " them out loud to your illness and tell it , it doesn't belong in your body because it is Gods' temple and even if things get worse as time goes along , don't give up as that is the devils aim and then you will lose your battle , so just keep on speaking the scriptures over your situation and believe that it shall be done because his word will do exactly what it says once it is spoken in sincere faith and belief , ' his spoken word will accomplish what it was sent to do." - Isaiah 55:11 and gather as many of your friends + family if they share the same genuine faith + belief as you and have everyone lay their hands on you or you lay your hands on them - Luke 4:40 and speak these following scriptures over your situation or their situation , whoever you are praying for , they also have to speak the scriptures to God as well together with you , so that way you will bring to pass his promise to us in - Matthew 18:19 " When 2 or more people pray together for the same thing , then it shall be done."


Psalm 107:20 - " He sent his word and healed us and delivered us from all our destructions."


1 Peter 2:24 + Isaiah 53:5 - " By the stripes of Jesus we were healed."


Luke 4:40 - " He laid his hands on them and healed all who were sick."


Matthew 8:17 -  " He took all our sickness upon him."


James 5:15 - " The prayer of faith shall save the sick. "


3 John 2 - " We shall prosper and be in good health."





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05/14/2014 03:14
05/14/2014 03:13

